Monday, March 24, 2008

Dearest Joy,

Time sure does fly when you're raising an active girl. Our lives seem so busy these days. Me with my CFA studying and crazy work hours. You with your gazillion students, taking care of Kate, and being OCD about cleaning. And even the weekends don't seem to offer a respite with family, church, errands, and softball.

I wish we could pause once in a while and do nothing. I know you're a caring and generous person and I feel like I'm taking advantage of these traits. I hope that we can stop, breathe, and just enjoy each other's company with no distractions. I'm sure a time like that will come (hopefully sooner than later), but in the meantime and for all the future times when life is hectic, I just want you to know that I appreciate your grace. Your understanding is truly a blessing.

And in case you forget, this past week was the week in which Kate decided that it was no longer fun to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. I think you woke up an average of 8 times each night. Thank you so much for being a good mother and husband. Both Kate and I are unworthy of your care.


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