Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So Far So Good


Last Friday, you called me with great news. The technician that took your ultrasound said that the lump doesn't seem to be anything serious. I'm scared to breathe a sigh of relief still, until the specialist confirms that nothing is wrong. Nevertheless, I'm grateful that things seem to be alright.

Another thing we've been discussing a lot is moving down to Irvine. We visited Robin and Irene and we both know that things might be easier if we were down here, but we just don't know if we can make it work financially. One thing that I'm looking forward to as I blog all of the happenings in our life is that we'll look back on everything and see God's hand in it. I don't know whether or not we will be in Irvine and I don't know what my work circumstances will be in 2 years. But what I do know and expect is that we will keep going to God with our desires and prayers and seek His will in everything. I'm certain that He will cause all things to work together for the good of those who love Him.

your hubby

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