Monday, March 31, 2008

Busy weekend

This weekend was dinner with the Jun's at Robin's BBQ and the MTAC performance at your house. I had to watch Kate in the morning b/c of the MTAC morning. I only really had to watch her from 10 am until about 1:45 pm. Then of course you were kind enough to let me go down to church to play basketball.

I don't know if it was watching Kate or remnants from my previous week at work but when 9 pm rolled around, was I tired. And of course you must've been too. But you being you, did more work around the house and let me go to bed by 9.30 so that I wouldn't be exhausted at work the next day. I have to say, there probably aren't too many wives out there like you. I'm glad you're my wife.

You watch and raise Kate so wonderfully and you probably feel like you're raising me too. Hopefully, I can take care of you the way you deserve financially, but most importantly spiritually. I hope I can create a place of "rest" for you in our family as you've done so often for me.


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